= Paintball at Putra Paintball Park =
It took us for about 30 minutes to find the place when it was supposed to be around 10 - 15 minutes from Cyberjaya. We played at Putra Paintball Park, and the rate was surprisingly cheap which is RM35 for the student rate. It's RM50 for non-student, so make sure you bring your student id. Things that are included are mask, a marker (It's called marker, not gun :D), 100 pellets and unlimited refills for the gas canister.
The park has 3 arenas(3 maps as in CS terms), one is just a flat piece of land and barrels are used for blocking paintballs. The place is kinda dry. The second one is on an uneven ground with a lot of dirt and the area is kinda wet and humid. This "map" have barrels, planks and also tress for taking cover. We chose this. And the last one is more for pros, because it has nothing to take cover from but palm trees.

john + keatmeng + ling + chinam + lai.
After pictures taken, yey~!! Game on! Bang Bang Bang. Errrmmm....It's more like poof poof poof.
No pictures were taken during the game because everyone will be running here and there, jumping, sliding and also the oh-so-famous-matrix-moves. The game ended
After that it's wooikhang-bashing-time. The referee suggested that it will be a 3 vs 1 match where wooikhang will be give 50 pellets and the 3 groups of 3 will be given 5 pellets each so it would be fair to wk as well. haha.

Things that I've learn there are:
- You get tired easily because of hard breathing behind the mask and also the fear of getting shot.
- It makes your head dizzy and a little bit high.
- Push! Don't be a sniper. If all you team mates are eliminated, you'll be the last man behind and people will come and hunt you giving you extra "pleasure".
- Wear long sleeves because there're alot of mosquitoes.
- Don't go on your birthday!
Never played paintball before but it's kinda fun looking at u guys!
what the..!@#$%?
RM35 still consider cheap?
I rather use RM35 pergi makan :D
Yeap, it's really nice. You can really feel the adrenaline rush.
HAHA, cheap wat. LOL
Next time bring you go, then after the game, i think you'll going to say a different thing haha..
Yer, I played before, injured at neck somemore... hahaha....
wow, be careful. I can imagine that getting shot at the neck is very very painful.
I got shot, but luckily there's no bruises. LOL
i 1na play also ....
Bday go will be targeted as VIP~
Die faster~ lol~
[mei sim]
join us next time :D we'll play again for sure. haha
As VVIP haha. Kesian that wk. LOL
haha, the next day I went to office, ppl laughed at me, saying that I got curry chicken... haha...
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