Lunch at Chillis with Hitomi *I wonder if it's her real name :P Cos this is the first time meeting her*. Was having our late lunch in Chilis at KLCC.
Eat more Chilis!
Classic Margarita
This one is kinda nice. But cannot drink so much, for me la. haha, later I'll transform to Mr Tomato and then pengsan.
mushroom swiss
This one beat Burger King's a mile away if both of them were racing. The burger was so juicy and sweet! Extra points for Heinz's Chili Sauce!
Introducing Ms Hitomi
why so happy?
After that we went for a movie with famous tagline "why so serious!" hahaha, second time for me and I still enjoyed it.
I haven't pose also :(
Chilis, yeah! I love to go there, and I went to Midvalley there, thrice! haha...
oh? ws dating?!?! new gf ah ? haha
anyway, why the hitomi look familiar 1 ???
Chilis chilis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
from :princessBB
well the margarita looks special to me
Personally I prefer TGIF. hehe
[bryan hoo]
not dating. not new gf. not my gf. and also no gf :)
btw, wht is gf? Guardian Force ah?
yea, :) But I like fgif more :D
yes it is. blended ice in alcohol.
who is lcfu? lclun brother? haha
im still guessing the movie u watched=.=
hellboy2 rite?
for the photograph of "why so happy", i think she's shy caused your camera is pointing straight at her. :P
[bryan hoo]
[:D dunno read]
It's Batman, The Dark Knight :D
haha, maybe :)
Why So SErious?
hahaha, wHy sO SEriOUs!?
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