= Bagan Lalang Goldcost Part 1=
Nath told me about this beach in Bagan Lalang nearby Sepang where it is really nice to take photographs. So we ask people from Shoutout to join. So the people that came was Jessica, Steven, Eugene, Eri, Michelle, Aaron and Daniel.

The sands are so fine and white. I've not been to Redang or Langkawi before, so it's white to me if compared to Port Dickson. :)
That's it for part 1, stay tune for more :D
ur post super-duper is AIMING me betul-betul lo!!! isssshhh~~~don't blame me hor. ada consequences de. ngek ngek ngek!!
where got wei~~ T__T
I post all cute cute pics ma ^^
I appeared in background a few times XD
haha, i hope someday I can take some photos which I wanna jump!
haha, ya lo. that's wht makes the picture nicer xD
it's so fun. we did lie 50x. It's a good exercise also.
Dear Mickey......
I was shock when i saw ur photo..!!!
omg.......... u really diet???? or ps ur photo before post up.. wahaha :p
dear vian,
really or not? dun bluff me wor. HAHAHA ^^
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